South Georgia
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Railways Of The Far South

Martin Coombs' narrow-gauge railway site, encompassing Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, the Falklands Islands Camber Railway, and the whaling stations of South Georgia.

South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands

The official Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands web site.

Jon’s World

Jonathan Ainge invites you to pay a visit to the South Atlantic Islands of South Georgia and the Falkland Islands and see some of the wildlife, birdlife and scenery. With some super photographs.

Sandefjord Whaling Museum

Information on opening times of the Commander Chr. Christensen Whaling Museum, N-3200 Sandefjord. tel + (47) 33 63 251. The Whaling Museum in Sandefjord is Europe’s only museum of whales and whaling. Regular exhibitions and events offer something for the whole family.

A South Georgia Wedding

Gawain and Deborah O'Connor's wedding page, marriage licence (civil) number 1. An unusual wedding in South Georgia with Tim and Pauline Carr as witnesses.

People of Progress

The Tijuca album was found by Larry Linn among some household items that were donated to The People of Progress, (a non-profit organization). Melinda Brown, Executive Director,  kindly sent me a CD of the images contained in the album and the original album is now in the South Georgia Museum for safekeeping.